

Let your Non-Trello Customers Create Cards on Trello

Let your Non-Trello Customers Create Cards on Trello

Are you tired of having to create a new Trello card every time you have a customer request? Do you want to collaborate with team members and colleagues on customer support issues more easily on the platform?

Service Desk for Trello solves your needs by allowing your customers to create cards on your Trello boards via a user-friendly service desk portal. No longer you need to put in a huge time and effort running after each customer and making a dedicated Trello board for each query.

With Hipporello's Service Desk Power-Up on Trello, transform your Trello boards into a helpful and easy-to-use service desk. Your customers and employees can connect to your support, IT, and business services by creating Trello cards using online forms and emails. Collaboration and communication with colleagues and customers are a whole lot easier.

Hipporello Service Desk Portal

Curious? Let’s go over how Hipporello can help solve your issues and how you can use it so customers or external users can create cards on Trello.

Say Goodbye to Extra Manual Labor

When using Trello, unfortunately, it isn’t possible to allow customers to view only labeled cards or just one Trello list. Right now, specific permissions aren’t possible for boards in Trello. For a customer to view a card, it means they have access to the whole Trello board.

That means anyone who can view a card can see the whole board, and it’s the same situation for lists. If someone can view a list, they can view the whole board.

Of course, you don’t want your customers to be able to see cards sent by other customers or cards that aren’t actually meant for them to view. That means your only other option is to create dedicated Trello boards for each customer, which is a huge hassle. You can copy certain cards, lists, or the entire board, but this is still timely and eats into your valuable time and energy.

Many people use Trello as an order queue for their business, assigning cards to independent contractors or customers. Each card is used for a separate order and customer.

For many, it would be useful to have a help service to assist with this, sending reminders to customers before the due date and such.

Enter Hipporello.

How Customers or non-Trello Users Can Create Cards on Trello

With Hipporello Service Desk, Trello boards can be used as a shared inbox. Customer requests and questions are brought into Trello boards to improve business productivity and efficiency, allowing for a smooth and streamlined process.

Emails to Trello board

You can receive emails directly to your Trello board. To get started using Hipporello Service Desk for email linking, first, an inbound email address is created for the company. Let’s say the brand is called ‘Let’s Eat’, then the email address will be letseat@letseat.hipporello.net, or similar.

Define email to Trello board

Once this email is running, any email messages sent directly to this email address from a customer or external user will create a card on Trello featuring the email content. That means all customer queries and questions will be in one easy-to-access board in Trello, available for your team to handle.

If you already have a support email set up, not to worry. You can create forwarding rules in your email inbox so that any new emails are instantly directed to letseat@letseat.hipporello.net, or whatever email you’re using. That way, the whole team has access to the customer support emails via Trello, and questions and queries can be answered quickly and efficiently.

Every received email immediately creates a card ready to be accessed on Trello, and one of the best parts is that the email doesn’t even need to be opened in the inbox for someone to reply or create further communication.

Simply use Trello to reply to each email by responding at the back section of the Trello card. What happens next is that an email will be sent back to the customer or external user which includes your brand’s response.

Your customer or external user can respond to you by replying to the email they receive, or by clicking on the link included in the email. If they opt for the latter, the link will open a details page for a submitted case. From there, the customer will have access to all the communication for the case, as well as its latest status.

Hipporello is super quick to set up too. Get your shared inbox up and running, ready to use within a matter of mere minutes. It’s as quick and easy as creating a new Gmail or Hotmail account. If you’re already using another shared inbox service, we can also help you migrate all your settings, team, and information for ultimate ease.

Forms to Trello board

Forms are still the most effective way to collect important data from your customers and team members. Service Desk for Trello allows you to receive form responses to the Trello board.

Does a customer want to request a demo of your product? They fill out a form.

Do you need to learn more about your target audience? You send out a form.

Does your team have to send you feedback? They complete a form.

But sometimes, it can be hard to build a form that really connects with those who are using it. Both filling and building forms can be time-consuming, after all. It’s your job, then, to make the process as quick and interesting as possible.

Once you’ve set up Hipporello Service Desk on your Trello board, you can already start creating your own customized forms. Don’t worry--we’ll handle most of the work for you.

With our drag-and-drop form builder (which anyone can master), you’ll have access to:

  • Predefined templates

  • Ready-to-use input types (for email, password, and name fields)

  • Short and long example texts

  • And many other form elements to help you create your web forms.

No previous coding knowledge is required. Simply adjust the templates to your liking, and it’s all done: forms that have all the information you need and fit your branding like a glove.

When you're happy with your form, publish it on Hipporello's user portal and start receiving submissions on your Trello board.

Create forms for Trello

Every single form submission is instantly turned into a Trello card. You can then communicate with those who've submitted forms from inside the respective Trello cards or automate actions like sending automated responses upon submission, meaning Trello is the only app you’ll use to manage your forms.


Why do we do that all? Because, at Hipporello, we take a stand against app-switching, app-hopping, or any other definition that essentially means “waste of time”.Try Hipporello for Yourself. It’s Free. Hipporello Service Desk keeps your team productive and your customers happy. It does that by keeping all important interactions in one place: Trello, and Trello only.