

Introducing new features: Sharing Custom Fields and Tailoring Attachments

Introducing new features: Sharing Custom Fields and Tailoring Attachments

Trello Card Share Power-Up Product Updates
Trello Card Share Power-Up Product Updates

The Trello Card Share Power-Up enables you to effortlessly share cards with anyone, even if they’re not Trello members. With our latest enhancements, you can now seamlessly share your custom fields and further personalize your sharing process by selecting specific card attachments to share.

Here's what's new:

  1. Expanded Attachment Sharing Options:

    Now, you have even more control over your shared content. Introducing "Share All Attachments" and "Selected Attachments" options, giving you flexibility in the sharing process. You can now choose to share one or all of multiple attachments on a Trello card.

  2. Seamless Custom Field Sharing:

    We understand the importance of being able to custom fields in addition to other card fields. That's why we've introduced the ability to share custom fields with the "Share All Custom Trello Fields" and "Selected Custom Fields" options. Share your custom fields seamlessly to enhance collaboration.

  3. Sleek New UI for Web Portal:

    Experience a fresh look and feel! Our web portal has undergone a makeover with a new user interface, ensuring a more intuitive and visually appealing sharing process.

Watch the below to see the changes in action:

These updates aim to make your collaborative journey even smoother and more customizable. Dive in and explore the enhanced features today!

Any questions? Chat with us through the chat operator on our website.