

All About Hipporello: What is Hipporello Academy?

All About Hipporello: What is Hipporello Academy?

an image representing Hipporello Academy with the brand mascot.
an image representing Hipporello Academy with the brand mascot.

What is Hipporello Academy?

Hipporello Academy is an educational platform created by the team behind Hipporello, designed to empower users to help them get the most out of their Trello & Hipporello experience. It serves as a great source of knowledge for anyone looking to enhance their project management skills, streamline workflows, or dive deeper into the capabilities of Trello with the added power of Power-Ups by Hipporello.

Through this academy, we hope to give users access to a comprehensive resource aimed at not just leveraging Trello more effectively but also understanding and utilizing Trello Power-Ups developed by Hipporello.

What Information Can I Find at Hipporello Academy?

Hipporello Academy is a dynamic space where new content is added continuously. Users can find a wide array of content centered around Trello, its functionalities, and best practices for using Trello Power-Ups to boost productivity. The academy covers topics ranging from beginner guides and product updates to advanced strategies, ensuring there’s something for everyone, regardless of their proficiency with Trello. Specific areas of focus include:

  • Detailed overviews of Trello Power-Ups developed by Hipporello, explaining their features, benefits, and how they can solve common project management challenges.

  • Tips and tricks for using Trello more efficiently, including board organization, task management, and team collaboration techniques.

  • Product Updates aiming to help users adopt new features and/or improvements in the most effective way.

All content is designed in the form of videos, blog posts or short textual descriptions as described below.

What Are the Contents of Hipporello Academy?

The contents of Hipporello Academy are meticulously curated to offer both breadth and depth of knowledge. These include:

Video Tutorials: Engaging and informative videos that walk users through setting up and using Hipporello’s Trello Power-Ups, along with general Trello tips.

Blog posts: Clear blog posts on different topics from comprehensive Trello contents to innovative Power-Up contents.

Webinars and Live Sessions (coming soon): Opportunities for users to learn directly from the experts behind Hipporello, with live demonstrations and Q&A sessions to address specific queries.

Articles and Guides: Written content that dives deep into specific aspects of Trello and Hipporello's Power-Ups, providing step-by-step instructions and actionable advice.

Some content focuses on showcasing capabilities of some Trello Power-Ups, while others are clear "how to" videos and articles that aim to walk users through a certain set of steps.

Is Hipporello Academy Paid?

Hipporello Academy is committed to making knowledge accessible and, as such, offers all of its content for free. This includes all of the articles, and video tutorials. The goal is to support Trello users in enhancing their skills and understanding of the platform without barriers.

However, for users looking for an even deeper dive into the capabilities of Trello and Hipporello Power-Ups, or those with specific questions in mind that were not answered, we strongly suggest they book a free demo session with our experts.

All these offerings are designed to provide extensive training and personalized support for teams or individuals seeking to maximize their use of Trello in complex project management scenarios.